Thursday, July 14, 2011

Wall Flowers

Last weekend I co-hosted a baby shower for a local friend expecting her first baby.  I basically was supplying location and a little decor.  It was a lot of fun, I love decorating so I feel like I get the better end of the planning deal ;) 

The other host was making all the food, running games and supplying prizes.  It was loosely based on classic Winnie the Pooh and the colour scheme was primary red, blue and yellow.  I originally just planned on making some Fleur Poms and streamers but then I found some directions for wall flowers on Made and decided I would give those a shot.  They were so simple and pretty!

First gather your supplies.  Good quality paper napkin (I bought mine at Target).  I bought two sizes, regular dinner and cocktail size, scissors and something to tie off the flower.  I used curling ribbon but you could use wire, twist ties, string etc.  

Take four of the larger napkins and open them up.  Lay them on top of each other keeping all of the edges together.

Take one cocktail napkin (or a larger napkin with the edges trimmed) and fold it up...

I just essentially rolled mine up, it was folded approximately four times

With your scissors round off the edge that is open (not the folded side), you could also make this pointy by cutting it into a triangular shape

Unfold your cocktail napkin and lay it on the centre of the four larger napkins

Now I took all five napkins and flipped them over and started folding them accordian style

Once I was finished folding it all the way I tied it off in the middle with some curling ribbon.

Holding it together at each end round of those with your scissors, this will create a nice scalloped edge.  Of course if you want them pointy you can cut them into points instead.

Fan out the napkins, if you wanted to stop here and make butterflies you could.  Perhaps add some wire or pipe cleaners as antennae

Gently pull up each piece of napkin, the napkins work well because they are stiff enough to shape a little and more forgiving then tissue paper.  I found that alternating sides helped keep the flower shape, in a sense interlocking each petal.

Here it is with all of the sides pulled up, pretty!

If you don't have cocktail napkins, just take a dinner sized napkin and cut the edges off like so....

If you wanted to make smaller flowers you can cut the edge off the large napkin and also off of the cocktail napkin.

Here they are above the fireplace

A few of the many fleur poms

It was a fun day, I had a lot of fun making decorations.  I will definitely be making fleur poms (so easy), streamers and wall flowers for Soleil's 2nd birthday party!

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